Wednesday, July 29, 2009

class review 23/07/09

For this class, we make a presentation fro the chapter 1 of "Teaching English in the Primary Classroom. my group (safian, ayu, narren, doc, & me) has been assigned to present the topic 1.5, the role of imagination.

Through imagination, children are given the chances to play with any symbols/characters/objects to deliver heir message to adult. This could promote to develop their creative thinking skills, as well as critical thinking skills. imagination also, can be use by the teacher in learning by prompting the childre. Here, the children capability could be pushed beyond their existing level as there ae scafolding from the teacher (Zone of Proximal Development).

We also being taught on how to find mp3 file from the internet. The task is find MJ last song. it was abit confusing for me to find that song;only manage to get it when the lecturer give the title
Give Thanks To Allah. when i google that title, it seems another name appear, Zain Bhikha, also a singer. i search for more information finally i find this:

"Submitted by Waleed from Egypt, Jan 7, 2006 at 03:23

I am sending this as a correction to the message I sent previously. The song "Give Thanks to Allah" is not sung by Michael Jackson, but by a singer called Zain Bhikha. It was included in an album called "Towards the Light" for this singer, and in another called "Bismillah" by Yusuf Islam, which dates back to 2001. The album "Bismillah" is present on Amazon and the single is in there, for those who want to verify." -

So, what is MJ last song actually?...........
Apart from the confusion during the mp3 searching, the task was very useful for me as that was the first time I am using the button print screen, and this could help me in finishing this course assiignments.

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